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rogerlee.pj@gmail.comGrupo de Investigação
Dinâmicas Sociais, Económicas e Políticas
Ciência ID
Roger Lee de Jesus a researcher in the Centre of History of Society and Culture (University of Coimbra) and at CHAM - Center for the Humanities (NOVA/UAç). He holds a PhD (2021), with a thesis on the role of the governor D. João de Castro in the construction of the Portuguese 'Estado da Índia' (1545-1548). His MA (2012) in Early Modern History (University of Coimbra) is a case study on the second siege to the Portuguese fortress of Diu (1546), in India. He is interested in the history of the Portuguese empire and presence in Asia, from political, social, economic-financial to a military perspective, especially in the implementation of European institutions and warfare in the Portuguese 'Estado da Índia' (16th century).
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